The Bright Sessions Wiki

Atypicals are individuals who have a unique ability that is currently unexplained by the scientific community. Within the classification system of atypicals, they are rated from 1-10. A rating of 1 indicates an extremely dormant power, whereas a rating of 10 indicates a very strong ability that controls the individual, rather than the individual controlling and manipulating their own power. The ratings of 4-6 are considered "healthy" because the individual has a strong power that they are able to control fully. [1]

Classes of Atypicals[]

Class A: Psychic Abilities[]

The group is one of the more all-encompassing groups. A distinguishing feature of these powers is their neurological focus. Class A atypicals have unique and powerful brain chemistry that provides heightened thinking, stronger intuitive skills, or the power to manipulate things outside their person using their mind. The differences in brain chemistry do not often cause any extreme physical changes. Occasionally, when the ability is over-used or triggered, the patient will experience some biological side-effects. These usually include nausea, tingling, headaches, and slight fluctuations in body temperature. However, these side-effects are secondary from the neurological activity and often resulting from the emotions the atypical is experiencing in the moment.

Examples of Class A abilities[]

  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Increased empathy
  • Clairvoyance
  • Mind control

Class B: Elemental Abilities[]

This group of atypicals refers to those that can control element occurring in nature such as fire, water, the weather, natural electrical currents, and so on. There is some overlap in Class B with Class A and Class C. For example, pyrokinesis is typically Class B but can be Class A as the ability usually originates in the brain. While every instance is unique, the majority of Class B abilities involve an atypical who can manipulate something outside themselves. It is currently thought that most of these atypicals are only able to affect their elements in close range.

Examples of Class B abilities[]

  • Pyrokinesis (in most forms)
  • Creating waves/controlling water
  • Affecting the weather
  • The ability to manipulate sound waves
  • Ability to conduct/affect electrical impulses
  • Affecting the growth of plant life

Class C: Physical Abilities[]

Though all atypical abilities have some manifestation in the body, Class C abilities are those that either originate from or affect the body directly. There is a great deal of speculation surrounding this specific class of atypicals.

Examples of Class C abilities[]

  • Shapeshifting
  • Invisibility
  • Super-strength
  • Super-speed
  • Enhanced hearing
  • Enhanced sight

Class D: Space and Time Abilities[]

Class D atypicals are those with the power to influence space or time. The limits and parameters of these abilities remain majorly unknown due to the high mortality rate that may affect these atypicals. Manipulating space and time can cause a huge strain on the physical system, leading to illness or even death.

Examples of Class D abilities[]

  • Time travel
    • Remote time travel
    • Physical time travel
    • Mental time travel
  • Teleportation
  • Stopping time
  • Flight

Class E: High-Risk[]

This group is used to refer to any atypical with an ability that is dangerous. There are no clear guidelines to determine a Class E because the category varies largely. This class serves mostly as a way to put a sign over individuals who are deemed a threat.
